Hey & Welcome

                 to the part where you learn about the person behind this madness... 


My name is Hannah, but most people call me by some sort of version of my last name. I will answer to both. I'm 25 and currently live in the beautiful state of Maine; BUT I'm a true Masshole (for all you people that have no idea what that is and are thinking I missed spelled a not so kind word to describe myself, I didn't and it is a person who grew up in Massachusetts). Instead of writing out a long, heart felt paragraph, I decided I'd let you off easy and share a few adjectives people have described me as. Above pictures will hopefully showcase the rest. I figured you have enough to read on this site and wanted to make your reading load a bit less heavy. Also, I'm better at conversation in person or sometimes over text, so don't be afraid to use that subscribe//add to email list and we can get chatting.

Know you are cherished, have worth, and so loved.

Thanks for stopping by!

Musician. Writer. Outdoor adventurer.

Somewhat photographer. Daily encourager.

Peanut butter lover. Deep thinker. Authentic converser.

Laughaholic. 'Let's do it' attitude. Bostonian.

Ocean seeker. Live music goer. Horseback rider.

Child of God.